

Web Site http://www.ubion.co.kr
Company tel +82-1600-0052
Email 1 songmigoh@naddle.net
Email 2
Owner name 임재환 (Lim Jae Hwan)
Manager 고송미 (Goh Song Mi)
Manager tel +82-10-8510-9831
Address 601, 6th Fl, Daeryung ostⅢ, 34Gil 27, Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

B2C: 온라인교육사업
- 와우패스(wowpass.com): 금융자격 및 금융실무 교육.
- 랜드스쿨(landschool.com): 부동산자격 및 부동산 실무.
- 고시닷컴(gosi.com):임용/디자인공무원/공무원/전문자격사.
- 베리타스엠(veritasm.co.kr): 공무원/공기업교육.
- 유비온원격평생교육원(iubion.co.kr): 경영학사,
CPA자격학점 취득.
B2B: 기업교육사업
- 인터넷 원격훈련(이러닝)/우편원격훈련.
- 근로자직무능력향상/NH농협지식채움.
솔루션: 교육정보화사업
- Moodle(오픈소스LMS) 교육/컨설팅.
- Coursemos 교육플랫폼 구축/LMS/LCMS기반 연수원 구축.
- 멀티미디어 영상 미디어 서비스/Smart Flash Service.
출판: 출판사업
- 사이버연수원자체 교재제작 및출판.
- 경영 전문서적 및 단행본 출판/서점
및 학원 총판 유통.
학원: 학원교육사업
- 와우패스 금융 교육센터 운영.
연구소: 경영연구소
- 분야별 전문위원 연구활동 / 금융지수
진단프로그램 개발 / 금융MBA교육

About us

Ubion was established in January 2000, which was the era of the e-learning industry and is a venture company and lifelong educational institution that has been providing lifelong education and adult education contents through the Internet. The reason for being existed of Ubion is to enable everyone to receive any education service they want anytime, anywhere, through any media. We clearly recognize that customer satisfaction is the basic condition for employee satisfaction and shareholder satisfaction and strive to receive love from customers. It is an age of lifelong learning and Ubion considers its customers not only as consumers, but also as a colleague who will share lifelong learning with us.